Electronics is one of the world’s most dynamic and innovative sectors. Our modern world would be inconceivable without electronics. Only the tip of that iceberg is visible: often, electrical or electronic components operate in the background, acting as an invisible companion – just like our seals.
For very many years, SCHLÖSSER has been a sought-after partner of the electronics sector, specifically in relation to our vast and diverse array of technical parts. Functionality and reliability are two of the most important quality criteria that our solutions have to satisfy for applications in the electronics sector.
The versatility of our solutions equips components from SCHLÖSSER with the ability to tackle a wide range of applications. This is especially true of the electronics sector.
Here are some examples of where seals and technical parts made by SCHLÖSSER are used:
Either for smart automation at home or in a production environment, for monitoring the status of stationary systems or sensors in mobility applications. Today, sensors and actuators are used everywhere to monitor all processes, systems and devices.
Requirements are now more stringent than ever on application-based solutions, due to the continuous further development of electronic components and control units, in the form of a reduction in installation spaces combined with enhanced improvement levels. We can therefore assist you on this and other topics associated with electromagnetic compatibility, heat management and the extended service life of components through correct sealing and damping, working with you to find an appropriate solution for you.
For industrial automation, a reliable power supply is indispensable which makes it all the more important to protect important electrical connection points reliably from environmental factors.
Electric motors are used wherever anything needs to be moved. Specific seals for individual components in order to satisfy the requirements applicable to the variety of mechanisms involved. With our solutions for sealing housings or for insulation inside electric motors, we help to ensure that this is achieved reliably.
Our wide range of solutions equips us to tackle a large number of applications involving high-quality components in display units and HMIs, and to respond rapidly to new market-based and application-related requirements.
For a sealing system to be durable whether indoors or outdoors, it needs to satisfy the most stringent of requirements. Environmental factors such as temperature fluctuations, the impact of humidity, wind, dust and other impurities are just a few of the challenges that luminaires have to withstand successfully. This means that quality is of paramount importance in order to prevent product malfunctions and complaints.
The demand for technologies involving batteries, fuel cells, charging and hybrid technologies is growing continuously. And as that demand rises, so does the need for high-quality components for battery packs and battery modules. To address the multi-faceted aspects of battery development, we field a broad portfolio of insulation films for all protection classes, seals, moulding barriers, EMC shielding for housings, membranes (for pressure equalisation and for ventilation), thermal management as well as adhesive films. To equip you with effective battery management solutions, we aim to provide comprehensive support from the design development stage to the planning and implementation of volume production delivery. We also assure compliance with statutory regulations, standards and customer requirements.
The world of electronic parts and componentry is incredibly diverse and wide-ranging. There is one common factor linking big to small to tiny: everything needs to be reliable and function for a long time. There are therefore sound reasons why technical parts made by SCHLÖSSER have played such an important role in electronic components for so many years.
SCHLÖSSER for the electronics industry – which signifies:
Are you interested in our seals and technical parts? Or do you need a solution from SCHLÖSSER for a specific requirement? If so, please just get in touch with us: we are here to assist you.
Tel. +49 7572 606-0 Mon.-Thu. 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Fri. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. info@schloess.deThere are virtually no limits on the fields of application for SCHLÖSSER seals, technical parts and our other products. In many sectors, our products are an indispensable part of a great many applications and functions, e.g. in the automotive, electrical and sanitation sectors – and the list goes on. We are also pleased to assist you with highly specific individual customer solutions with our experienced team of advisers who have decades of experience, with a wide range of materials and production processes. Here at SCHLÖSSER we make your requirement our business.
The world of seals and technical plastic components is a multi-faceted one. Also true of our production processes. Depending on the material or the desired quantity and form of delivery, SCHLÖSSER can provide you with the optimum production process for manufacturing the parts you need efficiently and to a high standard of quality.
Ideal for producing small quantities or prototypes rapidly and cost-effectively. This broad range of options underscores the high level of flexibility that laser cutting is able to offer.
Efficient processes – the stroke and rotary method of blade cutting as well as shear cutting method – at various levels of automation: quick, precise and cost-effective for short, medium and long production runs.
As with laser cutting, no dedicated tool is required. Geometric modifications can be implemented quickly and cost-effectively, ideal for the manufacture of short production runs (e.g. samples, mini-series).
With over 1,500 different materials from renowned manufacturers, the name SCHLÖSSER stands for an almost infinite range of product solutions extending from the manufacture of seals and technical parts made of plastic. SCHLÖSSER has the solution, from seals or damping in displays to heat management or venting in batteries to insulation or EMC shielding in a wide variety of electronic components and much more.
We supply what you need: exactly as you would like it. The same applies to the form of delivery as to our products and solutions: individuality is our trump card. Depending on material and quantity, we offer these choices:
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Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG
Wilhelmstraße 8
88512 Mengen/Germany
Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG
Wilhelmstraße 8
88512 Mengen/Germany
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