Home » Applications » LED & lighting
Lighting involving classic luminaires as well as ultra-efficient LED lamps are needed in every walk of life: Indoors and outdoors – in building technology for commercial as well as private applications. The choice of lighting also involves navigating a range of technical requirements and design aspirations. SCHLÖSSER supplies many components, some with optical requirements, for example for homogeneous illumination using diffusion foils, as well as Technical Parts for electrical insulation, ventilation or heat management for hotspots in LED applications.
The film has an adhesive border to enable it to be attached to a sensor housing. In the middle, the film is exposed to enable the sensor to “shine through” to the outside. The optical film is a polarisation filter and can for example be used to filter out certain wavelengths of incident/outgoing light.
Diffusion films, also known as scatter films, deliver homogeneous illumination across a large area. LED spotlights are an example of this.
The cockpit scatter film delivers homogeneous illumination of motor symbols and also helps to compartmentalise light.
There are many challenges to overcome when connecting passive or active cooling elements to an electronic component. In order for the heatsink to be able to dissipate the heat generated e.g. by high currents, these must be able to be absorbed cleanly by the hot spot. Due to air entrapment, macroscopic irregularities such as gaps and microscopic surface roughness make it difficult to connect cooling elements to electronic components. Controlled heat transfer cannot therefore be assured.
Gap fillers made of heat-conductive materials can be used to fill large gaps resulting from different components on the PCB to air gaps caused by surface roughness. Material characteristics distribute heat more uniformly, and heat dissipation is improved significantly by reduced resistance to heat transfer.
SCHLÖSSER provides a broad portfolio of materials with appropriate thermally conductive properties and it cuts these to the required shape. With their readily adhesive surfaces, these materials are easy to attach in a much less messy process than when using paste-type products.
With our punching processes, knife cutting, kiss cutting and shear cutting each with different levels of automation, we have the technologies, the requisite expertise and suitable equipment for satisfying your wishes to perfection. Our range of machinery includes:
These machines are grouped into highly capable punching departments, arranged by types of construction, sizes and level of automation. This enables us economically to manufacture in short, medium and long production runs.
SCHLÖSSER can supply a diverse range of materials from its own portfolio but it can also procure anything else that customers might wish to use. When doing so, we ensure that we use materials with an established track record for a given application, ones that meet quality and availability criteria. We are well positioned to do this through our capable network of partners.
The world of Technical Parts is endlessly multi-faceted – and we here at SCHLÖSSER have played an important part in it for many years. As an experienced manufacturer of a vast array of different seals, we know what we are about across a huge range of different sectors, and with an incredibly diverse spectrum of industrial requirements. Developing and producing bespoke parts for customers is what we do every day to earn a living.
Ideal for producing small quantities or prototypes rapidly and cost-effectively. This broad range of options underscores the high level of flexibility that laser cutting is able to offer.
Efficient processes – the stroke and rotary method of blade cutting as well as shear cutting method – at various levels of automation: quick, precise and cost-effective for short, medium and long production runs.
As with laser cutting, no dedicated tool is required. Geometric modifications can be implemented quickly and cost-effectively, ideal for the manufacture of short production runs (e.g. samples, mini-series).
Which other applications and function are of interest for sensors and actuators? Take a look around!
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Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG
Wilhelmstraße 8
88512 Mengen/Germany
Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG
Wilhelmstraße 8
88512 Mengen/Germany
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