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As one of the leading manufacturers of technical parts made of plastic, SCHLÖSSER caters for a very wide range of applications across all sectors of industry, with a particular focus on the automotive, electrical/electronic, building technology and mechanical engineering markets.
The future of mobility offers a great many opportunities. There are many areas of potential, especially in relation to electrically powered mobility, but also with conventional drive technologies – the automotive industry was and still is one of the key sectors, not only in Germany but right across Europe. As well as safety and performance, the weight of individual assemblies and components is becoming an ever more important factor.
We at SCHLÖSSER can cater for a huge range of application options with our technical plastic components. Working alongside the global leaders among automotive brands, we support the requirements of the sector with intelligent solutions for their applications – aiming for optimum performance in all areas.
Everyday life would not be the same without SCHLÖSSER. With our technical plastic components, we are at home wherever people live and work: invisibly for the most part but often of system-critical relevance, our solutions contribute in many ways to making the lives of people around the globe more comfortable, safer and functionally viable. We have been a close and reliable partner of the construction and sanitary sector for many years. Here, SCHLÖSSER products constitute an elementary component in a vast array of different contexts: from classic seals on sanitary fixtures to technology for systems and buildings, extending right to the very latest trend in smart home applications. With optimum quality and a great breadth of applications, we are ideally equipped to meet the requirements of today and tomorrow.
SCHLÖSSER has been a highly capable partner for the electrical & electronics sector for many years on the strength of our track record and the tremendous breadth of our range of materials. As an innovative service provider, we are always looking for perfect solutions for our customers that deliver genuine added value. Consequently, our technical plastic components are playing an important role in the current and future development of the electronics sector.
With more than 2,000 different materials, we can cater for a virtually unlimited range of product solutions: from seals or damping components in displays to heat management or pressure compensating elements in batteries to insulation products or EMC shielding of PCBs and conductor tracks – and a great deal more – SCHLÖSSER can deliver the right solution!
No automation without reliable components, no application without reliable functionality: innovative engineering always depends on the seamless interaction of all the technical elements involved. The key thing in mechanical engineering and plant construction, and also in appliance technology, is to design processes and applications to be safe, robust and durable. SCHLÖSSER has been a sought-after partner for many years.
SCHLÖSSER products can be found in a large number of applications: for example, our solutions for housing seals in electric motors, and in the housings for drives, gearboxes or pumps – not to mention a great many other solutions that, on a daily basis, represent indispensable parts of customer processes right around the globe.
The SCHLÖSSER portfolio also includes innovative and customer-specific solutions for the medical technology and healthcare sectors – with a reliable and proven track record in millions of the products of our customers.
To satisfy the requirements of companies developing medical devices, Schlösser fields a broad portfolio of foamed materials and elastomers. A few materials have been designed to deliver consistent performance throughout the service life of the appliances. They are also reliable across a wide range of temperatures and even remain chemically stable when in direct contact with a multitude of domestic cleaning agents. The products we offer therefore provide the manufacturers of medical devices with sector-leading management solutions for sealing, collision impact and vibration protection.
We are also delighted to advise you about products where the requirements governing safety or official approval are more stringent.
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Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG
Wilhelmstraße 8
88512 Mengen/Germany
Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG
Wilhelmstraße 8
88512 Mengen/Germany
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