Thermal Interface Materials (TIM) are used in the electrical engineering sector as high-quality heat management components to ensure that temperatures are dissipated from within defined applications, components or assemblies. We here at SCHLÖSSER are specialist manufacturers of Technical Parts, which qualifies us as a highly capable and experienced partner.


TIM blanks are specifically cut shaped parts made of elastomer with enhanced characteristics in respect of thermal conductivity and thermal transfer resistance. These blanks can be divided into silicone-based and non-silicone-based materials. Most achieve specified technical values through appropriate fillers, for example ones based on ceramic or metallic particles.

These include:

  • Gap Pads
  • Soft Pads
  • Thermal insulating films
  • Conductive adhesive strips
  • Phase Change materials
  • Heat spreaders


Are you interested in our seals and technical parts? Or do you need a solution from SCHLÖSSER for a specific requirement? If so, please just get in touch with us: we are here to assist you.

Tel. +49 7572 606-0 Mon.-Thu. 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Fri. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. info@schloess.de


Here you will find a summary of all the most important questions and answers on various topics relating to thermal interface blanks.

  • Where are TIM blanks used?
  • Which materials are included in the group known as Thermal Interface Materials?
  • What properties do TIM blanks from SCHLÖSSER possess?
  • Which delivery forms can SCHLÖSSER provide for TIM blanks?

Where are TIM blanks used?

Blanks made from Thermal Interface Materials are needed wherever temperature needs to be conducted or where heat needs to be dissipated inside electronic assemblies, e.g.:

  • Batteries
  • LED luminaires
  • Power electronics
  • Rectifiers / inverters
  • Medical electrical devices
  • and others

We here at SCHLÖSSER are committed to finding made-to-measure and application-specific solutions.

Which materials are included in the group known as Thermal Interface Materials?

When manufacturing TIM blanks, the choice of material is based on the concrete technical specification. This is defined by the range of application and performance in which the TIM blank is to be used.

We here at SCHLÖSSER can employ the following materials for the production of TIM blanks:

  • Elastomers (SI / PU)
  • Plastics (PI / PET)
  • Metals (AL / CU)
  • Foams
  • Adhesive films

What properties do TIM blanks from SCHLÖSSER possess?

One basic property of a TIM blank is defined as its ability to dissipate temperature inside components. In addition, other specific product characteristics can be implemented:

  • adhesive / sticky
  • non-adhesive
  • insulating
  • conductive / EMC
  • various hardnesses
  • silicone-free

Which delivery forms can SCHLÖSSER provide for TIM blanks?

As with our entire performance range in the manufacture of seals and Technical Parts, we here at SCHLÖSSER also prioritise optimum, requirement-specific design for the TIM blanks we produce. The same applies to the forms of delivery to our customers for these very fragile materials. We can offer the following forms of delivery for TIM blanks:

  • on a roll
  • loose or on sheets and specially protected for shipping



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    Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG

    Wilhelmstraße 8

    88512 Mengen/Germany

    Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG

    Wilhelmstraße 8

    88512 Mengen/Germany

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